Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Well-Adjusted Kids In Today's Society Are The Result Of ...

Raising your children begins with developing a relationship with them that will allow you to be an effective parent. Of course we understand the many demands that are placed on parents. This is especially true for parents that must earn their income by working two or more jobs and simply want to relax when the day is done. You need to put a little more effort in to be a positive influence in their lives. But that is our job as parents; we do the hard things because we are parents and love our children. A gift that we should all aspire to give our children, as parents, is a nurturing relationship that shows them that we care.

It can be extremely difficult to reconcile with a grown child who?s become estranged from you. With the right approach, though, you can almost always become a better parent and learn how to interact with your children in a more effective way. It?s true that parenting mistakes can be hard to reverse, but all you can do is put the past behind you and resolve to do better from now on.

You should keep this issue between you and them, as having an audience can be damaging to the child?s feeling of self worth. Embarrassing children in such a manner is not good for them in the long run, and won?t improve their behavior.

It?s always best to create firm and consistent boundaries that your children know they have to stay within. This way, there?s none of the doubts or insecurity that can occur when there?s not enough structure. When it comes to rules and limits, it?s essential that they are enforced in a positive way. You shouldn?t be surprised, of course, if a child decides to push these boundaries or ignore a certain rule. While you have to respond appropriately to such situations, you shouldn?t let them surprise or stress you out. When you do set up a certain rule, you have to make your children aware that it?s meant to be followed at all times.

There?s no point in creating rules or standards for your children to follow if they can get away with ignoring them with no repercussions. What we mean is not following through with the very consequences we have communicated with your children. Some parents allow their children to avoid consequences by crying or begging, and this undermines any attempts at discipline. This kind of inconsistency can create a truly chaotic and undisciplined atmosphere in a home, where children don?t respect any limits. Just as they?ll figure it out if your rules can be safely ignored, if you remain firm and don?t waver, this lesson will sink in as well. Remember that in the wider world there are consequences for breaking rules, so it?s best if your children learn this lesson at home. The earlier you can apply the right parenting principles, the better, as this allows you to lay the groundwork for a good relationship with them. As they grow, it is important that you are consistent in your application of what you have established.

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