Monday, March 19, 2012

International Business Salary Analysis

Getting involved with international business is not easy. You need to find the right company that can give you a platform to get involved with international business. The job itself can be extremely hectic, usually involving a lot of travel and negotiations with people from all over the world. However, it does pay extremely well. Typically, those who are just starting off in this industry should expect a low international business salary. The good news is that there is a steep curve when it comes to salaries. A few years into international business, and you will be earning a very good living.

Starting salaries for those involved with international business range from $35,000 a year to $45,000 a year. All travel is paid for by the company you work for, including hotel stays and meals while you are travelling on business. These are some terrific amenities, as not many first year employees get the chance to travel the world and conduct business with work renowned companies. Just be prepared for a lot of hard work and plenty of long nights. The first two or three years are where companies break in their employees. You will be expected to do all the leg work that senior staff members are too experienced to be bothered with. Any errands that have to be run, meetings that have to be arranged, research that has to be done, and documents that have to be created will be handled by first and second year international business employees.

The average international business salary varies, depending on the company you work for and what your position is. A steady rise in a major company will see you earn around $60,000 to $70,000 a year after four or five years of work. However, if you are particularly impressive and gain fast promotions, you could find yourself earning close to $100,000 a year.

Long term international business employees are invaluable, particularly those who work for one company their entire career. This form of longevity is rare in international business, which makes these employees very valuable commodities. If you stay with the same company for 15+ years, you will be making at least $250,000 a year as an international business salary, and possibly a lot more. There are international businessmen who make well over $1 million per year.

Getting into the international business field is not an easy task. You have to be an overachiever and a brilliant student from the very beginning. Great grades in high school will get you into a top college, which is paramount. While going to a state school or a small college can still get you into some great jobs, for international business you must have attended a world renowned college or university. This is simply because of the numbers game. There are so many applicants for these jobs, that ones from unfamiliar colleges will never get a look in.

So, as long as your grades are good and you went to a fantastic college, you will have a real shot at getting involved with an international business company.

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