Monday, April 2, 2012

Soul-Essence Branding: Is it Important for YOUR Business ...

Sunday, April 1st, 2012 at ?

There are many questions when it comes to branding for spiritually-centered entrepreneurs: what exactly is branding? Why is it important? Isn?t branding for big corporations?

Let?s address these questions:

What exactly IS branding?

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a ?name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

Now this sounds like a logo, right? Just get a logo done and boom! instant brand. Not quite ? it includes your values, what you stand for, how you communicate and the experience you want your clients to have with you ? and much more. But we will get to that in another article!

Branding is not about getting your ideal clients to choose you over the competition (especially since spiritually-savvy entrepreneurs don?t see others as competition, but more as colleagues and potential JV partners), but it is about getting your people to see you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem.

Why is it important?

Branding is your business? persona. It?s a consistent image and identity that you and your business are known for. It is WHO YOU ARE and WHAT you are about. It is consistent over time, relevant and should be highly authentic. It creates a sense of knowability, likeability and trust.

Isn?t a brand just for giant corporations?!

Branding has traditionally been associated with multi-national corporations. When we think of brands, we think of Coca-Cola, McDonald?s, Southwest Airlines, and Electronic Arts. They are huge, faceless and impersonal.


But branding doesn?t HAVE to be that way! Branding can be more personal, and in fact, as a spiritual entrepreneur, it very likely HAS to be personal. You want your people to know who you are and what you are about. You and your business are so closely tied to each other that it is hard to keep separate even if you wanted to. Purpose is purpose ? it is holistic and not separate.When you are on-purpose, you are not ?on-purpose in your work? but not in your life. Purpose permeates your life and influences what you do.

Purpose-based, soul-essence brands are also holistic. Take Oprah Winfrey as an example of a personal-business brand. She is what she does, and she is highly on-purpose. Her private self is not completely separate from who she is in her business life. In fact, it is this personal aspect to her brand that makes her loved by millions world-wide. Steve Jobs and Apple are another great example.

Spiritual entrepreneurs still may have a hard time identifying with these enormous brands. So instead, think of some of the smaller brands. Think about the people you follow on Facebook or Twitter. As a spiritual entrepreneur, you may follow my mentor, Andrrea Hess of Empowered Soul. She has a well-crafted brand that speaks clearly to who she is, what she offers, and how she offers it. It is clean, focused and is infused with passion, purpose and personality.

Soul-essence branding

Simply put, a purpose-rich business requires a soul-essence brand.

As a spiritual entrepreneur, you MUST have a purpose-inspired business. Your spiritual expansion and greatest abundance are tied to your purpose. And so it follows that your purpose-rich business must have a brand that communicates that purpose your tribe.

Creating your brand begins with in-depth knowledge of who you are and what you want to offer the world. It begins with a visit to your Akashic Records!

If you would like to get started on creating your soul-essence personal/business brand, whether you are? just starting out or re-branding, please connect with me and let?s talk about who you are and what you want to offer. I will then access your Akashic Records and connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides to co-create your purpose-rich business brand. As a result, you will have a done-for-you logo, custom graphics, and a beautiful, highly functional CMS website. You will have your online purposeful presence instantly ready to engage with your ideal clients and bring your business to life.

To your joy and success!







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